Dreamings of 'afterschool 'passionate love.

A Sexual Fantasy

— By sev12_321

back in the days when i was following a complex course of programming languages ( on my second year of computer engineering) I used to share long walks to the university with a young woman who did the lessons at that time. She was so beautiful, smart and gentle, always smiling to me when i was watching her during the classes and also when she was receiving me in her office to give explanations about some exercises and theory arguments... her hands were without rings , she said she was new in town , i always wondered: what if i had talked to her about my desire to share some time out of school with her after classes, maybe walk her home.. and what if she gave me the opportunity to come in and gently show my desire to impress her with passionate and spontaneous love.. after a long time i'm still dreaming about it...


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