Hungry For Your Touch
12 min
2019Based on Hungry For Your Touch a confession by plstouchme
Hungry For Your Touch is about the power of human connection and physical touch. But what does an absence of touch do to a person? Touching each other is what keeps us connected and peaceful, it is essentially what makes us human. This sensual massage porn directed by Erika Lust is a romantic, dream-like fantasy of a woman who after going through a break-up, is longing for somebody to touch her, to love her and to make her feel connected to herself and the world around her.
This confession made me think a lot about how much we actually need each other. We need human connection and physical touch like we need oxygen and water. Psychologists call this phenomenon "skin hunger". Hungry For Your Touch is all about our craving for contact. Touch can be exciting, touch can be healing, it can transform emotions and energies from one person to another and without it we're not able to survive. Make sure you give your loved ones an extra large hug when you're done watching this!