Two girls naked on the beach

A Sexual Fantasy

— By Adela Urygova

Another real story. Some years ago I did nude pics and a video with another czech girl for an erotic photographer on the Canary Islands. We had to fly from Prague to Spain and after to the islands. We stayed in a nice hotel and the photographer took us to Famara beach, the best beach on the islands and the most beautiful beach I have ever seen. The other girl was beautiful too, she had a very pretty face, a natural body and real red hair. There were no more people on the beach, no one was looking, just us and the photographer and he told us "ok girls, take off your clothes and be free". We got naked and he shot pictures of us running, dancing and jumping into the sea. We had lots of fun and I felt so free, relaxed and excited playing naked with that girl in such a beautiful place. It was no lesbian shoot and I usually like boys but this was the first time I felt sexual attraction for another girl.


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