The Opening Night

A Sexual Fantasy

— By fd59

I'm no longer a little girl; I thought I could hold back my strongest emotions; and instead…
It was the night of the final essay of the theater school I attended; I would have interpreted the female protagonist in V and last act of Ibsen "The Lady from the Sea". The other actresses who had played my character in the first four acts were younger than me. The director had chosen this reading key: Ellida, the protagonist, would have to grow older in the story. On the stage a low fence. With the closed curtain I sat on it with my legs astride: the contact between the wood of the fence and my pussy banded in a pair of riding trousers, the emotion of the moment and the buzz of the audience in the room had excited me to die. In this position I should have said my lines.
The audience was silent, the curtain opened and the show began. I too began to talk, trying not to ever overcome the red line that tension made me touch. My pussy too was touching and pressed on the fence and I felt wet wet. At the line, "You cannot stop me anymore ..." I felt a strong heat coming up to my face and the walls of the pussy contracting like a sudden and unexpected orgasm. I continued the line almost sobbing and, in a faint stutter, concluded: "... this you can prevent it."
Fortunately the dialogue with the actor with me on the stage resumed and so we came to the end of the play. Great success. The audience applauded frantically. The lights came in the parterre and I could see the faces of the spectators standing red and inflamed. I thought: "Did they notice what happened me?"


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