The Girls in God's House

A Sexual Fantasy

— By BlushingChurchgoer

This spring I moved into a small attic apartment in a house located right next to the largest, most beautiful church, I've ever seen. Despite not being religious myself, I love the high ceilings, the echoing whispers, the Medieval seriousness. But in the midst of it all, we have this very young, bubbly, progressive priest. She’s only in her late 20s, not much older than myself. Browsing for something else, I one night stumbled upon an interview from April in which I learned that she’s gay and lives with her girlfriend. That night I dreamt of the church. The three of us undressing each other under the almost frighteningly huge windows surrounding the altar stage. Rubbing our warm naked bodies against each other on the cold stone floor. Our moans, laughs and screams echoing through the empty corridor. Sunday mornings are strange now. Looking up at her as she stands in the pulpit, I am unable to think of anything else other than the fact that I want to make my priest cum.


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