Starving Craving Needing Cumming

A Sexual Fantasy

— By Burka2bikini

Hi Erika,

(sorry for my english, I'm a french Canadian... living with an english guy)

My husband of the last 3 years is an handsome curly cyclist with damn sexy cabs and amazing hands... He has everything to turn me on but our sex life is not what it should fact, we don't really have a sex life. A lot of love and fun but nothing hot and sexy! I'm a pretty sensual woman who feels confortable in her body and always had a happy and creative sex life. Until now. and I'm starving. Really starving.

But what I miss the most is the power to give pleasure and feel desired and beautiful.

My head is full of fantasies. Mostly really simple things but those things seems like they cannot take place in my actual life.... in my relation with my husband...
I introduced him to your cinema and he seems to really enjoy it. Happy to see real people. I personally really enjoy your stuff but sometimes watching it makes me so sad and scared that I might never feel that connection with someone like that again. I know what I'm missing... I would like you to make a movie for us. For him, for me. I would like to offer him a part of what is in my head and I can't be expressed in my life. I would like a scene where (I) masturbate on a stool, in front of him. With something covering my eyes so I would not feel the awkwardness and simply imagining him wanting me like crazy... I would also introduce a dildo in the scene because I love my dildo and know how to use it!

I want him to want me so much that he would not resist to eat my pussy and fuck me. I miss feeling a dick inside me... a hard and confident one!

I hope this story will inspire you (and my husband!) and bring back little spice in my soft (but full of potential) sex life!

Thanks for your good work!


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