Porn is best shared

A Sexual Fantasy

— By llepafils

We had talked all about porn. What we watched, what we looked for, where we were subscribed to. We knew or favourite actors or actresses. We were just friends and living very far from each other, but as we chatted that subject appeared once and again.

One day I told her there was one thing we had to do. To watch an XConfessions film together. "But, we live in different ends of the world", she said. "Doesn't matter. Over Skype".

So as soon as the new video came out, one we were both looking forward to, we met on skype. No cams, just audio. We had to watch XConfessions after all.

We commented the video. He is so elegant, she is so pretty, I would like to do that someday. As the minutes passed, our comments were progressively replaced by our heavy respiration, soon by our light moaning, and finally listening to each other cum to it.

Even at a distance, porn is best shared.


Picture from short movie #SkypeSex.


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