Night Fever Wet Dream

A Sexual Fantasy

— By blue moon

I started recently waking up in mild fever, feeling hot all over my body a few times. I also wake up from a “wet” dream then. Last night, it happened again. The dream didn’t go fully the way I’d like, but I’ll take the good parts and fill in the gaps, and would like it to happen one day for real.

I found myself in a house by two guys hosting my old girlfriend, my male partner, and myself as a part of Couchsurfing. One guy looked gender fluid, was wearing dark, but little, light goth/emo/romantic kind makeup, with long black hair, and more feminine clothes. I crushed on him, as he was gorgeous.

So, we get to their home; they welcome us, but since it’s late and we’re all tired, we go upstairs to a bedroom, but they only have one two-person bed, for the three of us. Then, as soon as we all got into it, I started taking my clothes off completely, and they followed with doing the same, all while laying down, under the sheets. I messaged the guys to come, then invited them to take off their clothes if they want to have some fun tonight and to stand by the right and left side of the bed, where we girls were, my partner, being between us. So, we started playing with them, getting them up, and ... so it began... My partner had more m-m action, and he was excited to watch the 4 of us and to "support us" very much.


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