A Sexual Fantasy

— By matilde

I am 32 and back at university. Due to my work I had to skip some of the classes at the beginning of the semester. Most teachers are fine with it, there is this one though...
When I finally turn up at his philosophy class, he notices me at the door and follows me to my seat with his eyes. He knows I am not on the list, hence after reading it out loud, he asks, looking at me directly, if he has omitted anyone. Then, he reprimands me in front of everyone and informs me that he requires all truants to compliantly come to his office and be prepared to answer any questions he may have about the texts we discuss in class. He’s few years younger; he’s smart, and a disturbing combination of a cold academic and a self-assured intellectual. He indulges in irony and loves to prove wrong even the most eager students. What he doesn’t know is that I am in my dirty thirties and all mentioned above makes me uncontrollably turned on.
I have about five classes to make up for; the texts he chooses are very unforgiving. Nevertheless, I try my best. The amount of effort I have to put into staying on topic and making any sense is enormous, as the tension between us is evident. Do not get me wrong, he does not make it any easier for me; he ruthlessly plays with me balancing between harsh and polite. And oh yes, I like my role of a very bad student paying for her sins. And so we play, exchanging lusty looks, biting lips, fidgeting in our chairs… And when I think this classic fantasy could not get any better, I go to his office once again, only this time I am late. Running across the street I think I see him and shout ‘hello!’ He does not answer and walks away leaving me there bewildered. The following week I heatedly ask him why he would ignore me like that. He smiles, looks at me from behind his glasses and says ‘you must have met my twin brother’. I have to sit down. I feel overpowered. Flashes of this irresistible, sexy and almost surreal threesome make my panties soaked and there is no philosophical theory that could come to my rescue.


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