Adults Only

A Sexual Fantasy

— By Elliot

My wife and I have had an adventurous sex life for as long as we’ve known each other - nearly 15 years now.

Before we had our daughter we were very into the idea of mulitple partner play. We had explored the idea of threesomes or group play with a few folks on a few different occasions - but ultimately the chemistry never quite felt right.

The folks we met were fun, interesting and…well, hot! But we found that our potential partners were focused more on the party aspect of the group dynamic, when what excited us was the honest openness and curiosity of play. There was something about the thrill-seeking, euphoria-focused mindset of most of our potential partners that just really turned us off. It felt…well…immature. We were resolved that we wouldnt take up play partners unless we found ones we really vibed with.

We summed up our approach with a little mantra: adults only!

For a few years, we were disappointed, and when we each turned 30, we thought maybe we were just too old for the multiple partner play game. By the time we had our daughter, although we continued to share the fantasy of a group fuck, we had written the idea off as more exciting in theory than in practice. We figured we’d leave the actual group sex to the recent college grads.

For a while, we were just fine with that - the newborn and toddler stages of parenthood dont leave you with a whole lot of idle time. But now our daughter is starting primary school, which has introduced us to a large set of new parents - some of whom my wife and I find very hot.

At a recent school fundraising sale, one couple in particular caught our eye. A husband and wife, he is shorter with a calm and disarmingly direct attitude, while she is slim and just sparkles with kind and confident energy. While we four were in conversation working the fundraising booth, we all really hit it off - to the point that my wife texted me under the table: “Are they flirting with us?”

At the end of that day, they invited us for a get-together the next time our daughters go to friends houses for a sleep-over. The evening would be “adults only,” the husband said. “Maybe its time we have a sleep-over of our own!” his wife suggested, with an infectiously sly laugh. “We adults need our own time for play.”

My wife and I can’t wait.


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