Travel sex

A Sexual Fantasy

— By Conil

It all started on a trip through Portugal in which we mixed spectacular areas of wild beaches with unique natural landscapes and small inland towns. On that occasion, our wandering from one place to another was directed mainly by the truly personal accommodations that we found and by their special relationship with the environment in which they were located. It was on one afternoon of that trip, with a glass of wine in hand, that my wife had the idea of ​​creating a profile on Instagram to publicize this way of traveling through places that, although they do not appear in the guides, generate as much or more satisfaction than those. The wine continued to flow between our lips, which encouraged us to start our new project by photographing the cozy and colorful interior patio in which we spent that afternoon. The fun photo session provoked numerous kisses and also caresses that, by seeking contact with the skin, freed us from clothing. Now, naked, we continue the photo session in which our bodies began to be part of the scene. It doesn't take much longer to start a sex session, which we continue to immortalize it with our camera. This is how our travel project became a profile on a social network for adults in which we decided to show our sexual life in all those peculiar corners that we find on our trips that make us so happy to discover and share with our followers.


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