At the gynaecologist office

A Sexual Fantasy

— By Dr. Dad

My wife is pregnant with our third and I accompanied her to our 6 month check up at her doctor's office. We have the last appointment of the day and as my wife slips into her blue gown, I get a glimpse of her perfect curves, enlarged breasts, oozing with the sexy confidence that bearing a child brings her. We hear the baby's heartbeat and see it move on the sonogram, everything looking perfectly normal. As the appointment ends, the 40ish year old doctor says "you two make such beautiful babies, how do you do it? So many couples struggle, sometimes we wish we could watch what you do, so I could pass along suggestions." And she winked at us.

My wife laughed and then looked at me and looked at the doctor and back to me, "then watch".

She grabbed my hand and slid it under her robe, and I traced her large belly as I tried to read her face if this was for real. She stared at me and smirked and unzipped my pants without moving from her examination position, legs spread on stir-ups, suddenly anticipating my cock. I traced my fingers to her pussy and was surprised to find her completely soaked. I lifted the gown and entered her effortlessly and she began to gasp how being pregnant made her so horny. Our eyes locked and I lost all awareness of where we were as we hit our rhythm together on the table. Our lust must have been loud because another, slightly younger doctor entered with a clipboard. My wife got on all fours and stuck her rounded ass in the air. During the switch, I noticed in the periphery that the doctors had parted their white lab coats and were slowly touching themselves, watching intently as I fucked her slowly from behind and felt myself starting to come. My wife started to twitch in anticipation as I cupped her enlarged tits from behind and we timed it to come together, breathing deeply as our orgasm waves crested and subsided inside of each other.

I pulled out and quickly pulled up my pants while my wife glowed with pregnant radiance. The doctors straightened themselves, jotted down a few words on their notebooks and said thank you and left the room. We smiled.

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User reviews

    • 28/7/2023 · Dreams
      I’d love to see this. Normal nudity, like at the doctor’s, a sauna or in a locker room, turning into sex is a big turn on for me. The addition of a radiant pregnant woman an voyeurism makes it perfect.