My Jolly Sailor Bold

A Sexual Fantasy

— By Shipwrecked

I have a job that takes me to many different locations. The last one was a shipyard on a harbor. There, I stepped into a room with three men. As I stepped in, a sailor around my age stood up to greet me. He was tall, wore a worn out beanie and a thick sweater. He wasn’t conventionally handsome. However, his hair was long, untamed and curly as was his beard. His eyes were brown but piercing, and curious when he greeted me. Due to COVID we didn’t shake hands but I couldn't help but notice the big and strong size of his hands. He was charming and kept eye contact and smiled at me when I spoke. The tension and attraction could never be questioned. When we got a tour of the yard I saw him again carrying around wood and equipment. His arms were the biggest I’ve seen and he kept looking at me like he was showing off. The day ended and we said our polite goodbyes. I can’t get the experience out of my head and I cant stop fantasizing about him.


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