Taken by Two

A Sexual Fantasy

— By lg96literotica

This is a true story, and it happened about a month ago.

I'd been using one of the well-known swingers' websites for over a year. I've identified as a bisexual male for 15 years or more, but I'm deeply closeted. I wish more people were accepting of bisexuality, so I find myself leading two separate lives. My vanilla life is dating women, being a professional and visible in the community. My bisexual life is anything but vanilla.

During a recent community event, I'd met this charming male-female married couple -- who just happened to be friends of the event's organizers -- and they struck up a conversation. They were sexy and charming. I'm attracted to men when they are fit, funny, and easy going. I'm attracted to women when they give even modest hints of their sexuality in the way that they dress (sexy heels! yes!) or the way that the flirt and exude confidence. As I'm aware that most people aren't interested in bisexuality, much less swinging, I try not to read into anything from these vanilla types of events. Like I'd said, I'm deeply closeted and have been very diligent about not crossing the streams if you will.

At the end of the night they invited me to look them up was I ever to get to NYC, and that they'd be up for grabbing a drink, hanging out, whatever. My (vanilla) friend who'd organized the event had seen me chatting with them for a few hours, and even us exchanging numbers. She'd warned me that they were swingers and that I should be careful. Thanks for the warning! Now I was completely aroused and couldn't wait to meet up with them next time I was in NYC.

Sure enough work sent me to the city a few weeks afterwards, so I'd sent the male of the couple a quick text. We bantered back and forth, and made plans to meet up. Over the course of two days the conversation got more suggestive, and finally he sent me a naked picture of his wife with a caption of "don't you think she has a great ass?" (Yes, of course, her ass was perfect, and her heels were as sexy as I could have ever imagined.)

He went on to explain that they enjoyed sexuality with "no natural barriers" and I replied asking if that meant "versatility" was what they'd had in mind. He confirmed my suspicions over the next few texts, and sent me even more explicit pictures of the two of them. He kept writing over and over about how they were happy to have met such an intelligent, handsome man (I don't think of myself as handsome but that's a dour piece of self image that would ruin all of the fun!), and that they couldn't wait to get together.

Sexually speaking, I have had full-on experiences with other men in a threesome with their girlfriends or wives, but I'd never really been interested in bottoming. Sure I have my set of toys like butt plugs but I have never really been into being topped by another guy -- mainly because most of the men I've been with just don't excite me like that.

We met up for drinks, they invited me to their place, mouths tangled with mouths, bodies tangled with bodies, people got naked, and I let him top me 3 times. I absolutely loved it. He told me that his wife was mine for the night and that he wasn't going to fuck her, and he insisted that I cum in her, which I did several times.

We'll be meeting up again soon.


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