The best night of my life

Die sexuelle Fantasie

— By sarahschardt

I was 17. He was 31 and it was the best night of my life. We met each other a few times before and there was something special between us. It was very hot, so we decided to go swimming. We went to his flat, there he takes me and kissed me, it was so exciting. He put off my clothes and brings me on his hands in his bathroom and we took a bath together... all my phantasies and Dreams came true. He wanted to come in me, but I didn't want to sleep with him. I know it would only be a one night stand. So we had a funny fight in the bath. But it was very erotic, I was so hot. He put me out of the bath, I was so wet, he lay me down on his bed and gave me a massage with oil of roses. It was so unbelievable. It was the best night and sex of my life... and I often think about it in my memories. It was the greatest orgasm of my life, with tears in my eyes.

Thats a true story.
(Sorry for my bad english, I'm from germany)


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