Inspiré de Estate Sale , une confession de TreasureHunterXX

Whilst browsing at an estate sale, Daisy Ducati discovers a series of provocative old photographs that immediately elicit curiosity, sexual desire, and an impulse to recreate the world she sees before her. She suddenly feels aroused by the thought of becoming a sexual reenactor, like a civil war reenactor, except instead of war and death she conjures desire, sex, and naked human connection. 

Daisy continues to dig through the sale and finds some accessories that are needed to reenact the photographs. With all of her treasures collected, the world is ready to be entered. Enlisting the help of her partner, Mickey Modd, the two characters travel back in time to the setting in the photo, gender bending to play different roles, whilst maintaining the poise and integrity of their sexual muse in the photo. 

This is an explicit short film that plays on the eroticism of bringing old photos back to life for a short moment in time before they are washed away in the river of time once more.  

Réalisation: Gordon B

Photographe: Simone T

Performance: Mickey ModDaisy Ducati

Erika Lust Erika Lust
