Polar Opposites Attract
Une confession érotique
Él in his 30´, a young Australian tradie, was in the army in his 17 till 22, no hay mujer que no haya dormido con él, sin formación ideológica o política se proclama pro Drumpf, se queja de los inmigrantes musulmanes en su país y vota against the gay married, pero su mirada detiene el tiempo, lo transforma.
Ella académica formada, a bit older than him, latinoamericana con descendencia italiana, pocos hombres se han acostado con ella, y aun espera hacerlo con una mujer. Activista por los derechos humanos, el feminismo le cambio la vida, amante de la diversidad, de la revolución, de la construcción de pensamiento crítico… apasionada.
Un viaje, beca de estudios, un match, horas y horas de charlas, vos y yo somos dos polos opuestos. Un vuelo, una isla remota, un mes, Tasmania.
¨Hello¨, y él parte la tierra, la atraviesa en un segundo. Su boca, los labios más suaves que ella jamás beso… instant chemistry.
Lets try this.
Ella acepta el juego. Bondage. Él recorre su espalda, lame su cuerpo, esas rutas que van desde su cuello hasta sus lugares más íntimos. Ella abre sus piernas, se deja ir with the dance of his tongue behind her, between her legs. She moves en vaivén sobre su cara, y siente su lengua atravesarla como un viento fresco de otoño, as the rain falling down on her back, with her hands tied to heaven.
While the coconut oil, traveling through his groin, su pene se refugia dentro de ella… ¨you are so tie…¨, y sus labios se fusionan en uno.
His mouth was paradise, she dreamed of dying there every day, every night, every moment.
Pero todo duro eso... un instante de eternidad.
He's in his 30s, a young Australian tradie, he was in the army from 17 till 22, there is no woman who has not slept with him, without ideological or political training, proclaimed pro Trump, complains about Muslim immigrants in his country and votes against gay marriage, but his gaze stops time, transforms it.
She is a trained academic, a bit older than him, a Latin American with Italian descent, few men have slept with her, and she still hopes to do it with a woman. Activist for human rights, feminism changed her life, lover of diversity, of the revolution, of the construction of critical thinking ... passionate.
A trip, scholarship, a match, hours and hours of talks, you and I are two polar opposites. A flight, a remote island, a month, Tasmania.
¨Hello¨, and he leaves the earth, crosses it in a second. Her mouth, the softest lips that he ever kissed ... instant chemistry.
Lets try this.
She accepts the game. Bondage. He licks her body, those routes that go from his neck to his most intimate places. She opens her legs, lets go with the dance of his tongue behind her, between her legs. She moves back and forth on his face, and feels his tongue pierce through it like a cool autumn wind, as the rain falling down on her back, with her hands tied to heaven.
While the coconut oil, traveling through his groin, his penis takes refuge inside her ... ¨you are so tight ... ¨, and her lips merge into one.
His mouth was paradise, she dreamed of dying there every day, every night, every moment.
But everything was hard ... an instant of eternity.
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