My wife fantasizes when we have sex

Une confession érotique

— By Robert1980

When we are having sex, my wife closes her eyes and fantasizes about a naked man entering our bedroom. All she can see is his stomach, penis and legs. She sits up and straddles me, rocking back and forth as his body comes closer. When she can reach it, she starts to caress and kiss his penis, stomach and balls. As her excitement builds, her thrusts grow faster, and caresses change to hungry sucking and moaning in between. Now she fucks me so intensely, I know how turned on she is with his fantasy cock in her mouth. I fuck her harder, and she opens her mouth long enough to gasp, forgetting the fantasy man for a moment. My wife kisses me passionately and then moves to 69, she wants real flesh now. She sucks, and I lick until we both come - she onto my ecstatic face, me onto her lovely breasts. She massages the slick cum and smiles.


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    • 2/5/2014 · Robert1980
      you know you would think so..but that's not gonna happen soon..good thing there is xconfessions :)
    • 25/4/2014 · bettiepagefan
      Maybe it's time for a threesome ;)
      • Robert1980
        you know you would think so. but that;s not gonna happen soon haha..good thing there is xconfessions :)