Rain Goddess
Basado en Rain Goddness una confesión de SoakedLondoner
Autumn in the UK: this means rain every day, all day, all night. Heidi refuses to take the London Tube– at this hour, it’s packed and chaotic. Instead, she walks home from work and, as always, arrives drenched in rain, her hair wet and her makeup leaking. A sexual buzzkill.
But not today. Under her classy trench coat, all Heidi is wearing is sexy blue lingerie. She, herself feels sexy – and ready to seduce her man as soon as she enters the door…
Heidi and Sylvan told me they were dying to work with each other, so we finally made it happen in this movie! Their chemistry is so hot, just what you need to warm you up after a long, rainy day! Hate it or romanticize it– this XConfessions original shows that the bad weather doesn’t have to be a mood killer.