Pop the cherry
La fantasía sexual
I have been with my boyfriend for 5 years and recently engaged.
We have never seen each other naked, never touched, never had sex, both virgins.
It's very weird for many people to know that but it was our choice to be traditional and wait for marriage.
We are young, we are legal, we are adventurous, and we are very horny. But no matter how hard I try, he will never give in... "respecting you always comes first before my desires" he says.
He's a blessing to have but this is very sexually frustrating.
I want him and I want him bad... he wants me.. And it's killing us.
Over the 5 years I've only managed to get out of him these words..."I want to lick your pussy.."
Oh the rush! Those words, orgasm in my ears!
I wish there was more porn where men use their words... stare into our eyes. Porn where two people touch and connect for the first time... It's awkward and messy, but oh so real!
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Reseñas de usuarios
- 14/12/2015 · MStyles69You are lucky to find a guy with that kind of self-control and respect for you! Why spoil it by pushing him into something he wants to wait for?