The best customer service I ever recieved
Die sexuelle Fantasie
– We are closing in 5 minutes, she says, barely looking up from the computer screen.
–Ok, I’ll hurry, I say.
I am late; late for this sex toy store and late for coming up with a present for my girlfriend’s birthday. At least I’ve done some googling up front, and I’m pretty sure I know what I’ll get her, but when it comes to buying a vibrator… you really need to see it live. Just a picture off the web won’t do. You need to see it, touch it, feel it. So, I go over to the shelf where I see the two models I’ve been looking at; the rabbit type of vibrator with a little extra finger to stimulate the clitoral area. They are not as big as I feared, and they both look elegantly awesome. I hold them, weigh them, imagine my girlfriend and myself playing with them… it’s a tough choice!
– How does these two compare? I ask the lady clerk, which is now on her way to close the door.
– Those are both excellent! In fact, I think they’re my two favourite vibes in the store, she says while pushing forth the lock. – Is it for your girlfriend?
–ahem, yes, it’s her birthday today, I answer while trying not to blush.
–OK, nice, does she have any experience with vibrators?
It feels a bit odd at first, but the clerk is super cool and relaxed and soon I’m talking about my partner’s sexual likes and dislikes as if it was the most common thing. Mainly because the clerk is also quite personal in her way of describing the two vibrators.
– OK, so this is the one I would get her, she finally concludes. – As I said, this one can actually make me come, like, super-fast! She smiles, holding the smaller one of the two. – There is this special trick… in fact… hmm… this might sound awkward and… I would never do this, but… do you mind if I show you? I mean, you seem like a very decent guy, and you really, really need to show this trick to your girlfriend tonight…
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