What if? What if...

A Sexual Fantasy

— By CherryRose

For about a year, I'd been following the work of an audio artist who's based in Ireland. He's *very* talented at what he does; witty and charming in one scenario and the next, dangerously sexy and imposing. He's also so talented with dirty talk, but he presents himself as such a sweet guy that one wouldn't suspect. Needless to say, I've developed a bit of a crush on him. Not that it would ever come true. We're separated by an ocean and the fact that I only know the side of him that he presents. It's enough to bring tears to my eyes, even as I pen this. And yet there are some times I can't help but imagine... what if we did connect beyond recording artist and listener? What if we did meet in person, be it me traveling to the Emerald Isles or him coming to the United States? What if, from the first moment, we gave in to curiosity? What if? What if...


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