The Reverse Late Bloomer

A Sexual Fantasy

— By MarkoDrew

I'm a 23 years old male. I remarked that in all forms of media, adult or not, every time a relationship between an older woman and a younger man is presented the woman is always in the position of educating, guiding or dominating her younger partner during the sex because it's always assumed that older means more experienced. And I asked myself, is this actually always the case in real life, or does the reverse also happen?

Inexperience in an older lady, as paradoxically it may sound to some, has a certain charm to it. An uptight, conservative woman having an unexpected one-night stand with a younger, attractive man. It contradicts her upbringing, her beliefs, maybe all she has been taught about morality. But ultimately, lust wins. An abstinent older woman breaking free of traditional norms, throwing her frumpy clothes away and just enjoying being guided to a world of pleasure, freedom and sex she's only discovering now with a younger but more experienced partner.

It's a tale of breaking free, it's a tale of lust overcoming traditional norms, of old mentalities replaced by new ones. Perhaps even a tale of a certain kind of innocence.

It's a tale of a late bloomer. But you know how they say, better later than never.


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