Sex in the shelter

A Sexual Fantasy

— By Arr

It's a very cold night. The wind is blowing and the trees are shaking like your heart. You are trying to sleep but is difficult. Too many ideas come to your mind and the absence of your boyfriend next to you makes everything seem darker. There is a war, a silent war that is fighting around of you. The television says there is the risk the alarms ring. Even if you are a little worried, you know where is the nearest shelter and you try to sleep thinking about the easiest way to reach it.

You close your eyes. With your hands you start exploring your body trying to relax yourself.

Then, the noise. It's the alarm.

Trying to close as fast as you can your nightgown, you take your shoes and you run away. You go down the stairs and you reach the room you've always considered as a prison. Your heart is beating fast as the drums in a rock song, the alarm is continuing to ring.

Even if you are safe, you feel alone.

Then, a guy arrives and behind him he closes the door. Sexy as hell, he was half naked and it's clear that he has never experienced before the war.

You go next to him and you ask him if everything is ok. Apparently yes.

Because of the adrenaline or of the circumstance, you start feeling an extremely strong actraction towards him. He feels the same.

Therefore, trying to calm your stress, you start kissing. The kisses were not simply kisses, you started desiring each other as you've never done and in few minutes you stay over him. Ripping off your nightgown, he starts touching your body. Your neck, your shoulders, your boobs... You desire him like hell and in few seconds you free your body from all of your clothes. Like animals you start kissing. The world outside is collapsing but inside of the shelter you feel alive.

You desire him and he desires you. From the neck with his tongue, he touches all your body. The orgasm is arriving, you feel it. Then, he reaches you clitoris, you start screaming for the pleasure. He doesn't stop his tongue continues touching you vagina, making you feel in paradise.

Therefore is his turn, standing in front of you, he leaves himself be touched by you. His dick is big, bigger than the one of your boyfriend and you like it. With the mouth open you leave it coming inside of it. He is enjoying and you with him.

As the final act of this extreme night, he lays down over you and he get inside. It's hot inside the shelter, you both start sweating. He wants you more than all the man you had ever wanted you. With his dick he gets inside you. You feel it, oh yes, you feel it.

The alarm stops ringing but you are still there enjoying the taste of each other.

You both have in the same time an amazing orgasm. He bites you lips, expressing his desire. You touch him dreaming about how many times you are ready to live again those moments.

When everything ends, without saying a word, you come back to your room leaving behind of you the smell of the passion.

Only God knows who was that guy because, even if you'll try to find him, you'll never meet him again.


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