Sharing Porn is Caring

A Sexual Fantasy

— By Malleus25

I'm a guy and one of my housemates is a friend from work who I have known for years. She's this vivacious, flirtatious, bright light of a girl, with an entrancing smile and warming eyes.

She actually told me about 'XConfessions,' and after she moved in, I bought a subscription. She told me about some of her favourite videos.

I have this fantasy that one night, we are enjoying a bottle of red on the couch and XConfessions comes up. We decide to show each other our favourite films from the site, and laughter and commentary eventually falls way to silence and tension. I notice her breathing has increased and her hand is working really hard to avoid her panty line.

We both give in and make love on the couch, while XConfessions plays in the background - a small world of sexual energy.