Orgy in Paradise

A Sexual Fantasy

— By Sexydiver

During my lunch break from work, I’d sometimes drive out to a secluded forest near a little stream. It’s very quiet there, one rarely sees anyone. On warm days, even though it was definitely quite risky, I’d find a secluded spot, take my clothes off and enjoy the sun or even walk around nude, attentive to any noise indicative of a human presence.

Butterflies would dance around the branches and flowers, a gentle breeze bristled the leaves, the stream gently burbles through its rocky stream bed… the warm sun caresses my body … it’s almost paradise. Back then I only wished I could share these precious moments with a special someone.

That day, I heard unusual noises. I was trying to avoid them, but coming around some bushes, I notice three naked bodies, two guys and a girl, naked, she was stroking both their dicks.

Only the girl saw me at first, the boys were too busy enjoying the moment. I stayed a little distance back, enjoying the scene, fantasizing she’d invite me… we locked eyes with each other, I not making any noise, she keeping her partners occupied for long moments… I was getting quite aroused … until she gave me a wink …


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