It's Not Rocket Science

A Sexual Fantasy

— By LawLight

I'm a queer female and my male partner, a NASA scientist, had female friend (also a NASA scientist) up for a two week Astrophysics conference. I was instantly struck by her. On the first night, she pulled out her ukulele and sang and I was bewitched. She was so tall and strong and had this silky olivey skin and short cropped hair - like mine - and and dark gravelly voice and all of these gorgeous tattoos. When I inevitably approached my partner that night about opening up the relationship with this woman temporarily (after she retired to the living room couch he'd set up for her short stay) he told me she had asked the same question of him that night and he encouraged me to explore with her! On the second night, they both returned in their suits from the conference, and he left us to our devices. She and I watched Crashing on the couch with some wine and pretty soon we were all over each other. I took her upstairs to the bedroom where we fucked all afternoon. Later that evening, he returned. She and I invited him into bed and al three of us just continued fucking for the rest of the night and fell asleep in each others arms. The next day, we all rode the train into work together, holding hands, kissing each other goodbye. Some days I went on dates with her alone, some nights, she and I slept together separately kissing and talking about life long into the night. We did that for two whole glorious weeks. The final night, she took us out to dinner and laughed and kissed passionately. Then we took her to the airport and she was gone.


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