Dirty dancing porno

A Sexual Fantasy

— By Africa4

Mother of many. Wife of my always one. In my 40's. Needing to work out in a fun way to also escape from the daily motherhood routine I decide to start dance clases... private. Need to get this body inshape again. Just me and the teacher. Going back to my teenage years when I danced and danced... I start feeling the benefits of doing it again... and something else. Overcoming the shy phase we start dancing looking deeply at each other eyes. Connection? Or just my needy imagination? It is an imposible relationship... just an adventure, an affair... one more thing. If I could just meet him one night at the dance studio in my high heals and sexy lingerie... candles, music and sex. I would go through every inch of his body... his face, his neck, his shoulders, his... will he be willing to touch me back?


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