
A Sexual Fantasy

— By Nu18n

Me acuesto con un amigo “recatado” “de mente antigua” con el que llego a tener suficiente confianza y puedo atreverme a ofrecerle descubrir mundos nuevos, se trata de sexo feminista, sexo para iguales... me pone pensar que puedo ser yo su maestra, y no hablo de bsdm ni de sumisión, si no de que tanto él como yo, puedamos disfrutar de nuevos placeres. Me refiero a juegos delicados y eroticos, sexo anal en la que yo soy la que le penetro a él, etc. Sexo no “tradicional”. Es el sentimiento de ser “maestra” y llevar las riendas lo que me hace disfrutarlo y llegar al orgasmo sabiendo q el final será justo y como yo lo he planeado. Tener el control.
I sleep with a very cautious friend who has a "traditional mind" with whom I have enough confidence to dare to discover new worlds with him. It's about feminist sex, sex for equals ... it makes me think that I can be his teacher and I do not speak of BDSM or submission, it's simply that we can enjoy new pleasures together. I am talking about delicate and erotic games, anal sex in which I am the one that penetrates him, etc. 
It is very untraditional Sex. It is the feeling of being his teacher and taking the rein that makes me enjoy it and reach orgasms knowing that the end will be fair for both and as I have planned it. I am completely in control. 


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